ZASP is short for Zambian Association for Sustainable Projects. It is a non-political and non-religious organisation that fights poverty through education. The motto is to help others to help each other.
The project is located in Eastern Zambia, in the Lundazi district, close to the Malawian border.
In 1989 Agneta Håkangård from Karlstad founded ZASP as a aid organisation. Six Zambian farmers received loans meant to aid them in developing their agricultural enterprises and subsequently improve their standard of living. The idea for granting microloans to the extremely poor came from Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. The small agricultural project has since expanded and now includes several side projects.
ZASP today
ZASP covers an area with 270,000 inhabitants, several thousand of which are directly involved in the activities of the project. Some of the courses offered at the ZASP Folk High School cover agricultural methods, democracy and human rights, environmental studies and HIV/AIDS. The organisation has also spearheaded youth projects, preventive dental care, tree planting and the introduction of energy-efficient stoves. Amenities at the project centre include a shop, a woodworking shop, a sewing studio, a health clinic and a preschool.
ZASP has applied for SIDA funds several times; however, the lion’s share of the contributions has come from our members.
ZASP aims to reduce poverty through education, thereby enabling people to improve their standard of living.
Patrick Kumwenda has been manager for over 15 years.
Godwin Zimba is the treasurer and shares the financial responsibility with Patrick. Susan Nyirenda is the secretary. Like Patrick, they both work at the ZASP centre.